Uber for Tutors is an easy-accessible platform with dedicated panels for tutors, students, and service providers. Uber for Tutors app is an end-to-end application with user-friendly interfaces and a superior feature set.
Uber for Tutor app comprises fruitful options to connect the tutors directly with the students directly. On-demand tutor app development is the most essential action for the tutor service owners like you. Uber for tutors is the most demanded platform and it is useful to bring your tutoring services to the front in the market.
Distinctive Uber for Tutor App to Digitize Tutoring Business
Users & service providers can signup/ login easily in Gofer Handy. Users can Signup with the Phone number, Facebook, Google, and Apple Id. Service Providers can register their account using the phone number along with the verification code.
Service providers can set their flexible work timings on the app. If the users book the services at a particular time interval the service providers will be listed. It is the users choice to assign the service provider.
In GoferHandy, all the services are well classified and made easy for users to select. Users can select multiple services needed among the given list.
Users can track the motion of the service provider after the booking is confirmed. Users can navigate them through calls or messages along the path if they take a wrong turn.
Users can easily instruct service providers with specializations as per their wish. GoferHandy allocates separate space for the users to improve service quality.
Not only with service, but also with each invite, one can earn a lot. Invite friends option promotes your business and introduces the service to a wide set of audience.
Users can easily view the state of the service (completed, scheduled, progress) in the past booking menu. In the Upcoming menu, the jobs scheduled by the user will be listed.
Absolute details of the services are displayed as an invoice. Users can have an eye, and be clear about the completed services and payment.
For a service, people can pay through multiple payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, wallet, or with direct cash payments. With its booking has been a seamless process.
Similar to the booking of services, the cancellation can also be done with a few taps. Users and service providers can cancel the booking even after the acceptance of a booking. The cancellation of the booking is not available after the job begins.
Entrepreneurs can keep an eye on, each and every booking also services with the help of user-friendly web panels. Manage your business seamlessly with GoferHandy.
Users and service providers can share feedback with ratings and reviews. Those feedbacks help to improve the betterment of the business and the user connected to it.
Users can alert their trusted contacts in case of an emergency. Up to 5 contacts can be included using the add contacts option.
This feature enables the provider to manage the services he offers via the app. Therefore, a service provider can add and manage the list of services with ease.
To overcome and stay safe in this pandemic situation, notifications regarding asymptomatic symptoms are popped up. It is safest precaution to avail the services.
Become A Distinguished Tutor Business Owner With Outstanding Solutions
Exclusive Support for Shared Web Hosting for Any Business
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We, Trioangle have skilled professionals in two hosting modes. But, hosting via shared web-hosting mode from us makes you feel risk-free without any technical requirements.
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Smart Operational Interfaces for an Exceptional Tutoring Experience
A Structured Android App for Service Provider to Fulfill Service Requests Rapidly
View DemoFeature-Rich iOS App for Service Provider to Carry Service Requests Smarter
View DemoComplete Dashboard to Track Handyman Bookings, Payments, Assign, etc.
Easy Management Tool for Seamless Operations in All-in-one Handyman Services
Secure Online Transactions in Tutor Service With Our Crypto-Wallet Integration
In GoferHandy, We provide additional payment integration to send and receive the money through crypto wallet..Adding crypto-wallet is done with extra cost.
Add-ons Waiting Here to Tack-Off Your Revenue and Service Bookings
Multiple language
We provide multiple language in Gofer Handy
Multiple Currency
We provide 31 currencies in Gofer Handy
Phone Number Verification
Twilio technology is used in GoferHandy for verifications.
Trendy Insights to Know About The Handyman Industry
Handyman Industry Insights
Get A Feature-Rich Uber For Tutor App Designed With Best Technologies
Different Uber Clone App Models Waiting Here to Support Your New Service Launch
Find the Best Answers Relevant to Questionnaires for Uber for Tutor Services App
Building the Uber for Tutor app comprises several steps. They are
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